Dark web scanning is the practice of scanning the dark web (the darknet) to find if any individual’s personal or corporate logins and passwords have been compromised. If you know, how to look, and where to look, on the dark web it is not uncommon to find compromised passwords for sale on the dark web. And it’s not just passwords. The dark web is a very murky place and is a rabbit warren of data. Blogs and forums, chat rooms, private networks and hidden sites.
Typically the higher the level the employee in a particular business the higher the exposure to risk for the business if this information has become available for sale on the dark web. Based in Geelong but working for businesses across Australia it is not uncommon for us to find compromised passwords for executives for sale on the dark web.
Business continuity and cybersecurity are the champions of protecting your business and often considered the front line in protecting your data. But what if your usernames and or passwords have been stolen and or compromised. How would you know? What are the best practices to protect you from the dark web?
At Evongo we regularly perform dark web scans here in Geelong for small, medium and large businesses. You would be surprised how often we find compromised passwords for sale. The dark web is a very murky place and is a rabbit warren of data. Blogs and forums, chat rooms, private networks and hidden sites.
Business accounts, stolen email addresses, passwords and usernames. You would be amazed at what you can find for sale on the dark web. With the potential for exposure to risk can you afford not to have a dark webs scan done?
Evongo also offer Geelong businesses reliable and advanced IT support.
If you would like to discuss getting a dark web scan done for your business and your staff, give us a call now.